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Software Architecture

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Meet Tim | IT Consultant / Software Architect
Meet Tim | IT Consultant / Software Architect
“Driving that transformation is the incentive you have in a role like mine, and I enjoy doing that immensely.”

Hi Tim, nice to meet you! Can you introduce yourself?
Hi, my name is Tim Maleska and I’ve been working at diconium for two and a half years. I started as a Backend Developer and moved into the IT Consultant role a year later — this switch was planned from the beginning. The short excursion into backend was meant for me to get to know current techniques and approaches of diconium.

That means you initially applied as an IT Consultant?
Exactly. I was hired as an ITC, but since I had previously been self-employed and had only experienced agile team structures when dealing with customers, my boss suggested that I first take a look at what we were doing in practice. Everything about designing APIs, microservices in the cloud, CI/CD and agile frameworks like SAFe, I had only heard about in theory, so it was a good idea to get practical experience first. However, the switch to the ITC role after just under a year was the right step in my development.

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